第一修正案(美国宪法中保护言论和宗教信仰自由以及和平集会权利的条文) the statement in the US Constitution that protects freedom of speech and religion and the right to meet in peaceful groups
Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment 赫尔姆先生打算声明该法案违反了宪法第一修正案。
One issue is that some people believe they have a First Amendment right to spout off at work. 但问题是有些人相信根据《美国宪法》第一修正案他们有权在工作场所发表自己的观点。
In 1980, the first amendment to the Marriage Law was issued. 1980年,《婚姻法》进行了首次修订后颁布。
If you are in a public place, you have the right to record anything you see, he said. That is the First Amendment. 只要在公共场合,你就有权记录下任何你看到的东西,这是美国宪法第一修正案规定的,奥斯特瑞琪说。
The courts have dismissed every charge on First Amendment grounds. 法院以《美国宪法第一修正案》为由驳回了所有的指控。
This case teaches that the First Amendment protects our right to express our opinions, and that sometimes we must have the courage to defend our rights. 这个案件告诫我们,(宪法)《第一修正案》保护我们表达意见的权利,但我们有时必须鼓起勇气,捍卫自己的权利。
To allow the judgment to stand, in other words, would have a severe "chilling" effect on the First Amendment right of a free press. 换言之,如果允许这个判决成立,就将对《第一条修正案》保护的新闻出版自由权利造成“令人寒心的”严重影响。
I am willing to go to jail to protect my first amendment rights. 我宁愿坐牢,也要维护第一修正案给予的权利。
So bloggers have First Amendment protections. 因此,博客作者享有宪法第一修正案的保护。
In Gideon, the Supreme Court of U.S. recognized that the poor have a right, grounded in the First Amendment, to receive legal aid in crime case. 吉迪恩案中,联邦最高法院赋予了穷人有获取刑事法律援助的宪法权利;
Those of us with first amendment protections in the u.s.shouldn't get too smug. 然而,受第一宪法保护的我们也不应太过沾沾自喜。
On the other hand, what most of us rely upon I think is essentially the first amendment tradition. 另一方面,我们大多数人遵循的,说到底还是美国第一修正案的传统。
The first amendment, the core of the rights bill, regard the expression freedom as the basic right of a citizen and fundamental right of a freedom society. 第一修正案是权利法案的核心,它将表达自由确立为公民所享有的一项最基本权利和自由社会的支柱性权利。
Today, we had on the first amendment and MV the second step of planning. 今天,我们进行了对MV的第一次修改和第二步的规划。
The court altered its interpretation of the First Amendment. 最高法院改变了对第一修正案的解释。
92 q: name one right guaranteed by the first amendment? 说出一项在第一条宪法修正案中的权利?
It must certainly apply to matters of opinion to what we would call today First Amendment issues. 它必须能适用于关乎民意的事件,就像今天的第一修正案事件一样。
Lessig maintained that Congress violated the constitution's Copyright Clause and the First Amendment when it passed the extension. lessig坚持说国会在通过该法案时,违反了宪法的著作权条款和第一修正案。
At issue is whether Congress exceeded its authority under the Constitution when it passed the1998 Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension act, and whether that law violates the first amendment. 争议的问题是,国会通过1998年《松尼?波诺著作权期延长法案》是否超越宪法规定的权限,以及这部法案是否违背了第一修正案。
The first amendment protects [ free] speech. It does not protect the right to use tents and sleeping bags to take over a public space, he told reporters. 他说:第一修正案保护言论(自由),但不保护使用帐篷和睡袋占用公共场所的权利。
Name one right or freedom guaranteed by the first amendment. 请说出第一条修正案保障的一种权利或自由。
The federal government settled the first amendment case last week for$ 80000, but with no admission of wrongdoing. 上星期联邦政府确定了第一修正案并赔偿了80000$但是没有承认自己的错误。
What is one right or freedom from the first amendment? 举出宪法第一修正案中的任何一项自由或权利?
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in1791, is similarly absolute 1791年批准的美国宪法第一修正案同样毫不含糊
The survey found more people could name the three "American Idol" judges than identify three First Amendment rights. 调查还发现,更多人能说出“美国偶像”电视节目三个评委的名字,而说不出第一修正案中的三项权利。
The right of the people peaceably to assemble is enshrined in the first amendment. 人们和平聚会的权利是植根于第一修宪的。
The proof is according to the college professorship admissible authorized rule 4 first amendment fifth article. 注:一、本证明系依据专科以上学校教师资格审定办法第四条第一项第五款规定办理。
The Reno decision means that Internet-based communication receives the highest level of constitutional protection, including many judicial rulings defining the scope of the First Amendment. 对雷诺诉案的裁决意味着互联网传播受到最高程度的宪法保护,包括许多界定第一修正案适用范围的司法裁定。
Americans, protected by the first amendment, can generally write blogs with few consequences. 受第一修正案保护的美国人一般可以撰写网志而不考虑后果。
You've read the first amendment then. 看来你读过第一修正案了。